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Avondale Estates Garden Club records

Collection number: ahc.MSS1019

Scope and Content

This collection contains the records of the Avondale Estates Garden Club. The collection chiefly consists of the Club's scrapbooks which highlight its projects, awards, and anniversaries. Of particular interest are early scrapbooks from 1938-1940 which describe the Club's involvement in projects to beautify Lake Avondale as a living memorial to G.F. Willis, founder and builder of Avondale Estates, and to establish a bird sanctuary. Also included are... yearbooks and history of the Club. These materials document the Club's civic and social activities as well as special projects.

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  • 1931-2019


Conditions Governing Access

This collection is open for research.

Conditions Governing Reproduction and Use

Unpublished manuscripts are protected by copyright. All requests to publish, quote, or reproduce must be submitted through the Kenan Research Center.

Administrative/Biographical History

The Avondale Estates Garden Club was organized in June 1931 by Mrs. Germaine McGovern with the objective to "advance gardening and the development of home grounds; to aid in the protection of forest, wild flowers and birds; to encourage the art of flower arranging". The Club became a member of the Garden Club of Georgia in 1937, helped to organize the Dekalb County Federation of Garden Clubs in 1948, and is also a member of the National Garden Clubs,... Inc. They have particpated in many civic beautification projects such as conserving the Avondale Park and Bird Sanctuary Park as well as contributing to landscape improvements at local schools. In 1932, the Club planted 253 Abelia bushes along a three-block stretch of Avondale Road to create a hedge that stands today and is a focal point in the community. The Club has given support to many local organizations including the Egleston Memorial Childrens' Hospital, the American Red Cross, and The State Botanical Garden of Georgia. The Club has received numerous awards at local and regional flower shows such as the Dekalb County Federation of Garden Clubs Flower Show.

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35.86 linear ft. (43 oversized boxes and one half document case)



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System of Arrangement

The collection is arranged alphabetically according to titles supplied by staff.

Immediate Source of Acquisition

Gift, 2011 with subsequent additions

Description Control

This collection was processed in 2011 with subsequent additions.

Avondale Estates Garden Club records
Jennie Oldfield and Ginny Van Winkle
Description rules
Describing Archives: A Content Standard
Language of description
Script of description

Repository Details

Part of the Kenan Research Center at Atlanta History Center Repository

130 West Paces Ferry Road
Atlanta GA 30305